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Pelvic Abscess

Pelvic Abscess: Define

Pelvic Abscess is the generic term used to describe a variety of infections of the female inner reproductive organs. A pelvic abscess is a collection of pus in the pelvis or lower abdomen caused by infection, appendicitis, a burst ulcer, or complications after surgery. Sometimes the drainage tube needs to stay in place for 2 weeks. An abscess usually appears 2-3 weeks after the initial infection or complication and can become multiple abscesses if left untreated. One can bathe normally, so long as the tube and incision area are kept dry.

Pelvic Abscess: Causes

Pelvic Abscess is caused by a bacterial infection that moves from the lower genital tract, which consists of the vagina and cervix. It then moves into the uterus, up the fallopian tubes and finally, into the ovaries. The bacterial infection causes inflammation of the tissues, leaving them red and swollen.

Pelvic Abscess: The Operation

A 3-inch incision is made in the stomach close to the pelvic abscess. The cut is deepened until the surgeon reaches the abscess. The pus is drained, the area is washed out with antibiotics, and a rubber drainage tube is placed to drain any additional pus. The tube remains in place until x-rays confirm that the abscess space is getting smaller. The surgeon will also wash out the area of the abscess with a lot of fluid. This fluid sometimes contains medicines, such as antibiotics, to prevent infection. A rubber drainage tube is put down into the abscess space to drain out any further pus. This tube stays in place until it is clear from X-ray tests that the abscess space is getting smaller. It is shortened bit by bit and the wound dries and heals within 5-6 days.

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