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Artificial Disc Replacement

Artificial Disc Replacement as a Healthcare Option

The cervical and lumbar regions undergo replacement procedures. It is said to be the newly emerging healthcare option for conventional spinal fusion. The medical procedure involves spine anthroplasty.

Opt for Spine Arthroplasty or Total Disc Replacement

The patients suffering from degenerative changes as a result of age, genetics, injury, or general wear and tear should consider artificial disc replacement after non-surgical healthcare options (physical therapy, epidermal injections, etc) are no longer of use. After a Spine arthroplasty the disadvantages of such as loss of motion, diminished flexibility, continued degeneration of discs above and below the site of fusion, and increased pain diminish and normal functionality is soon restored. This medical procedure should be pursued only when all the other remedies fail to give relief as it is considered to be one of the extremely major surgeries.

Spine Arthroplasty medical procedure.

The spine athrosplasty involves the implanting of a Bryan cervical artificial disc made of porous, beaded titanium metal just off the midline of the spine. The artificial disc is placed between the two vertebrae. After the removal of the damaged disc a metal plate are pressed into the bony end plates above and below the vacated place. Soon the bone grows and covers the metal plates but a plastic spacer made of a polyethylene core is put to minimize friction. Soon the patient recovers normal functioning but must avoid strenuous work.

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